Dion Beasley (born 1991) is an Alywarr artist from the remote community of Owairtilla, or Canteen Creek. He spent many of his early years living in remote communities in the Barkly region of the Northern Territory.

Although being profoundly deaf Dion is ever curious about the world around him, has great observational skills and a wonderful memory. Paired with his creativity and great sense of humour, he has become known for his witty reproductions of the world, particularly life in remote community settings and the many dogs he encountered.

Dion lives with Muscular dystrophy and his motor scooter gives him access to the community to travel around on his own. He delights in visits to community where many of his much-loved dogs wait patiently for a titbit of meat. Many hours are spent sitting and watching the dogs and their interaction with one another, resulting in inspiration for further art pieces.

Etchings are distinctive and detailed, forming a creative chronicle of daily life on Aboriginal communities, with its own dramas, tensions and energies. Dion loves travelling and has visited most capital cities in Australia. He has great plans for the future and would love to visit Africa to see all the exotic animals, which would provide great inspiration for his artwork.

Laundry Gallery was proud to show First Etchings. Re-Spun in July 2022. Contact us at hello@laundrygallery.com.au for available Cheeky Dog prints from the exhibition.