Werrkno is the Kuninjku word for skin/scales/bark/husks and the paintings in WERRKNO II explores cultural narratives and details of ancestral beings, in particular their bodies and skin.
Using natural pigments from the earth ground on paper, and monochromatic mark-making using charcoal and Indian ink the artists have visualised the skin of Namorrorddo, the shooting star spirit that emits rays of white light from their heads and are malevolent in nature, and the eggs of the Djómi, a freshwater fertility spirit with a fish tail, alongside depictions of yams, dillybags, bush medicine plants and fish traps.
WERRKNO II is our second collaboration with the senior women from Maningrida Arts & Culture, many who also work closely with Bábbarra Women's Centre, following their first sold-out show in 2022.