EXHIBITION // Yara Kutjupa (A Different Way)

"Nara pbidialu yurri-la ...flowing, you know? When we do canvas, no yurri (movement), but fabric moves around. Blowing in the wind, moving... Pbidia (wind) yurri.. moving it around...Piirnpirrnpa (soft).. soft one and really lovely.

We went to the lake to take photos of that fabric. Lovely way, wind blowing, out near the sandhill. My granddaughter was holding those small ones, waving them to take photos.

Four ladies and one man in Tjukurla were painting that fabric. Lovely way.  First one I've been painting all the minyma (ladies) and circles, the pbidi (waterholes)...Minyma pirni (many ladies). That's the ladies stories. Too many colours, lovely colours. First time we been say 'Huh colour pirni (many), but its different, like water'. Then we try on that fabric and it's soft and smooth." 

- Faith Butler




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